Eagle Scout Rank

The following links are helpful for preparing and submitting the Eagle Scout Rank Application and accompanying materials. Click here for a full overview of resources from the national office.
Download and complete the Eagle Scout Project Workbook from the national office.
Need an Extension?
Local councils have the authority to grant limited extensions of time to complete Eagle requirements. These extensions are available only to youth members who qualify under the three tests listed in the revised Guide to Advancement (GTA) topics A Scout must complete a Request for Extension as well as any additional documentation noted in the “Documentation to attach” section and email it to Chris DeRose at cderose@atlantabsa.org.
During the request and approval process, the Scout must continue to work towards completing their Eagle Scout requirements. Once they turn 18, they must register as an adult using position code "UP" and complete YPT. Position code "UP" allows them to complete requirements while registered as an adult.
Beyond Eagle
Palms - After successfully completing your Eagle Scout board of review on or after Aug. 1, 2017, and being validated as an Eagle Scout by the National Service Center, you will be entitled to receive an Eagle Palm for each additional five merit badges you have completed before your Eagle board of review beyond those required for Eagle. All current Scouts who have completed their Eagle board of review and who had not passed their 18th birthday before August 1, 2017 are also entitled to receive Eagle Palms
The Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award - An annual recognition of the high quality of Eagle Scout Service Projects. Each Council is entitled to one representative and that Scout earns the Bronze level which is a Bronze pin that can go on the Scout’s Eagle Medal or Eagle Square knot when an adult. The council representative is sent to the Region and one Regional winner is selected (Silver Level) and the 4 regions send their nominee to National for the Adams Award winner (awarded at the Annual National Meeting) and Gold pin.
FBI Certificates for Eagle Scouts
The Federal Bureau of Investigation will provide special certificates for Eagle Scouts. Requests should be sent to:
Executive Secretariat
Room 6236, J. Edgar Hoover Building
Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535-0001
Include the Eagle Scout's name as it should appear on the certificate, the address to which the certificate should be sent, and the Eagle's unit number and council name with your request.
File Name | Description | |
2025 Adams Award Procedure | Download | |
2025 Glenn A and Melinda Application Form | Download | |
Eagle Reference Letter Guidelines | Download | |
Eagle Scout Press Release Template | Press release template for local news on Eagle Scout announcement | Download |
Eagle Scout Rank Application Fillable (Updated) | Download | |
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook | Download | |
How to submit an Eagle application for Council Certification | Download |