Swimming Merit Badge

Course Overview
Swimming Merit Badge is an Eagle Required. This Merit Badge is NOT a learn to swim class. The Scout will need to demonstrate correctly 5 swim strokes to complete the requirements for this Merit Badge. Some Second and First Class Rank requirements will be covered. This Merit Badge can be completed in a day if all requirements are completed.
A scout will first need to classify as a “swimmer” using the BSA Swim Classification Test. As such, please note that this class is NOT for scouts who cannot swim.
Please come prepared. The Swimming Merit Badge pamphlet should be read.
Below are some of the requirements for earning the Swimming Merit Badge::
In one non-stop 150 yard Swim demonstrate correctly the following strokes
Crawl (25 Yards)
Back Stroke (25 Yards)
Breast Stroke (25 Yards)
Side Stroke (25 Yards)
Elementary Back Stroke (50 yards)
Do surface dives in lake water retrieving debris from a depth of 7 to 10 of water.
Do dives from dock into lake water
Required items to bring for the Swimming Merit Badge:
- BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (Parts A&B) completely filled out and signed by parent or guardian. Incomplete forms will be returned to Scout to complete before starting class. A Scout cannot take the Merit Badge without a completed form.
- Merit Badge Blue Card signed by Scoutmaster. Make sure all three parts are filled in with your personal information.
- Closed Toed Shoes are required while walking in Camp. No flip flops, sandals, or crocs allowed. Closed Toed Water Shoes are suggested.
The Merit Badge counselor will email you with any additional requirements, such as completing discussion questions, approximately 2 weeks before class.
Class Withdrawal and Refund Policy
Due to the limited number of scouts that we can accommodate in each class, we kindly ask that you contact us as early as possible if a scout cannot attend a class. Requests to withdraw from a class (cancel), change a class (drop/add), and/or receive a refund must be done in writing, preferably by sending an Email Chris DeRose, Administrative Professional of Programs.
Refunds will be made when the withdrawal (cancellation) is at least 2 weeks before the class date.