Scoutreach High Adventure Trips

Scoutreach Provides the Experience of High Adventure Scouting
Each year Scoutreach sponsors crews to BSA National High Adventure Scout Camps. Watch the videos below to see how Scoutreach can help your Scouts experience the adventure of a lifetime!
12 Days of Scouting Paradise
Follow the adventures and testimonials of a Scoutreach-sponsored crew who backpacked 12 days at Philmont Scout Ranch.
The Importance of Scoutreach
A Scoutmaster shares the impact Scoutreach has on the Scouting youth, providing opportunities many would not have the means to experience.
Philmont Scout Ranch High Adventure Base
Scouts and leaders discuss the experience of Philmont Scout Ranch’s unforgettable backcountry backpacking experience, the value of working together as a team, and the challenges they overcame as a crew.
Friendships Forged at Philmont Scout Ranch
A Scout describes the unique camaraderie and friendships built from training and backpacking with each other over nine days in New Mexico's backcountry at Philmont Scout Ranch.
Scoutreach | Paying It Forward
A mother shares how Scoutreach supported her Scout’s ambition to experience high adventure at Philmont Scout Camp.
The Impact of Scoutreach
A Scout shares how Scoutreach provided him the BSA National High Adventure Base experience at Philmont Scout Ranch.
Lessons Learned at Philmont
Scout shares experiences of Philmont from interviews on Day 1 and Day 12 of her Philmont adventure.