Program Planning for September 2024
Things to Remember This Month:
- Plan Fun Activities for Cub Scouts
- Sign Up for Fall Cub Scout Family Camping Weekends
- Knowledge is Good: Time for Training
- Plan Your Unit Popcorn Kick Off
September Council Events

Wood Badge
Fall Course
BSA’s premier leadership training course, providing training on modern leadership skills for all Scout leaders.
BALOO Training
September 14 - 15
Basic adult leadership outdoor orientation for Cub Scout leaders.

University of Scouting
September 21
Over 80 classes for leaders from any Scouting program, all taught by Scouters with experience and 'how to' skills.
Cub Leader Training
Look for live and in person Cub Leader Training programs – these are great for teams from a Pack to gather together, learn, and share ideas.

Personal Management Merit Badge Day
September 9
Learn how to prepare for life events, budget, and the value of money, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
BASS Work Day
September 14
Earn service hours while maintaining Bert Adams Scout Camp’s beautiful environment!
REGISTERSeptember Planning Items
September is Training Season
Every Scout deserves a trained leader and every leader deserves the chance to be trained. The Atlanta Area Council offers a wide variety of training courses for all levels of leaders in all Scouting programs. You may attend training at the Council, District, or Unit level and many courses are available online. Join us for University of Scouting where over 60 classes will be offered to help you become a well trained leader.
Youth Protection Training
Scouting America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders the online, video, and print resources for the Cub Scout, Scouts BSA and Venturing programs. Youth Protection Training (YPT) is required for all leaders to be registered with the BSA, and must be retaken every two years.
Cub Leader Training
Join us for Cub Scout Leader Training. You will learn what to expect in Scouting and how to make the most out of the magic of Cub Scouts! This is not just for those who are brand new to leading Cub Scouts – it actually works best if returning leaders gather up members of your Pack or Den adult leader team to participate together and share ideas. Additional training dates can be set up for your Pack or District … see
Doing Den Activities – a Guide for Parents and Leaders
Dens are definitely getting organized now, and parents may wonder: what does a Den Meeting look like? How do I help? How do we create some order and structure? Well, see this page for a quick intro to Doing Den Activities (and meetings) and the attachments for a deeper dive into what your den can do! and
“First Meeting” Plans (including Bobcat Adventures)
As you get dens organized, we have some great plans that prompt parents to share the lead and succeed. Plus many games. These are great for “getting started” meetings and activities with your Den – and empowering parents. See
Cub Scouting Fun
You’re going to have plenty of opportunity for more detailed Advancement Adventure meetings, but you can ease into your Den and Pack year with fun*simple*easy activities that your parents can do with their Scouts. Then you’ll have more momentum for a full fun year. See
Volunteer for Camping Volunteer Corps
Camping Volunteer Corps is a program for Scouts BSA Troops and Venturing Crews to provide service at Cub Family Camping Weekends throughout the year (like Spring Family Camping and Spooky-Ree). Scouts receive free camping and a patch. Plus, all hours count toward service requirements for ranks and school obligations!