Program Planning for November 2025
Things to Remember This Month:
- Schedule Scout Sabbath and Scout Sundays
- Select Webelos-to-Scout Transition Chairs
November Council Events
Conservation Weekend
November 14-16
19 Merit Badges will be offered, including a conservation-themed workshop to learn how to execute and document a conservation project.
REGISTERNYLT: National Youth Leadership Training
Dates TBD
Six-day advanced leadership course designed to teach Scouts skills to be better leaders.
LEARN MOREWilderness First Aid
Dates TBD
Provides a solid foundation in the basics of backcountry medical care.
November Planning Items
“Streamlined” Plans for “Required” Cub Adventures
Part of the Council Cub Advancement page resources are simpler “streamlined” plans for most “required” adventures derived from the Den Leader Guide Plan, but made simpler and easier to use. One key improvement: Streamlined Adventure Plans provide prompts for parent leadership of parts of an activity – light work for many hands, sliced and diced and ready to roll, because Parents have the Power! In the Rank by Rank pages, you’ll find these in the Adventure by Adventure pages for Tiger through Webelos.
It’s Time to Renew Your Charter
Every Scout Unit operates under an Annual Charter Agreement, and all registered Scouts and Leaders must renew annually by paying National BSA dues for the upcoming calendar year. The process of Charter Renewal (also known as Recharter) begins in October and data entry for Recharter can now be done 100% online through and the Internet Advancement 2.0 portal, which has a “Recharter” link from October through December (or shortly thereafter). The system lets you enter new members, renew current members and update information for any registrant.
For assistance or more information, see the link below or call the Program Center at 770-989-8820.
Crossover is Coming – Have Arrow of Light Den Activities With Troops
One of the goals of the Fifth Grade Arrow of Light advancement program is to prepare Scouts for their transition into Scouts BSA. Packs and troops should work together to ensure that every Arrow of Light Scout has the opportunity to join a troop. Troops can provide opportunities for 4th and 5th Grade Scouts and their parents to become familiar with their program through special open houses and outdoor activities – many troops will hold more than one outdoor event with a pack. Those dens may also have the opportunity to observe troops in action at district events like a “Webelos Woods” campout or day activity as part of the Arrow of Light “Scouting Adventure” pin. The cooperative effort of Troop and Pack gives 4th and 5th Grade Scouts and their families an awareness of the troop program, troop leadership and advancement opportunities. More at
Silver Beaver Nominations
The Silver Beaver Award is the highest recognition a Council can bestow on an adult volunteer leader. Don’t miss the opportunity to nominate a fellow Scouter for this award. Awards are presented at the Council Recognition Reception in March. Silver Beaver Nominations are due November 20. Nomination form at