Program Planning for March 2025

Things to Remember This Month:
- Make Short-Term Camping Reservations for Fall Events
- Sign up for Council Program Kickoff
- Sign up for Spring Family Camping Weekend
March Council Events

College of Commissioner Science
March 1
Annual supplemental training event for all BSA Commissioners
Wood Badge
Two Weekends: Dates TBD
BSA’s premier leadership training course, providing training on modern leadership skills for all Scout leaders.

Wilderness First Aid
2-Part Course: Dates TBD
Provides a solid foundation in the basics of backcountry medical care.

Silver Beaver Award Ceremony
March 6
The Atlanta Area Council honors volunteers who’ve made remarkable contributions toward supporting Scouting in metro Atlanta.
Heritage Hike
March 15
Your some of Atlanta’s most significant civil rights locations, starting at historic Ebenezer Baptist Church.
LEARN MOREMarch Planning Items
Spring Recruiting
Fall isn’t the only time to bring new Scouts into your Unit. Hold spring recruiting events and open houses. Invite newly recruited Scouts to attend Day Camp and other summer events. Spring is a great time to attract new families and get them involved in great summer activities.
Fifth Grade Troop Recruiting –March Into March
A big focus of Troops in recruiting new Scouts is the “crossover” of Fifth Grade Arrow of Light Scouts. That’s one recruiting route, but the new (as of April, 2022) opportunity is any 5th Grader who is 10 years old may join a Scouts BSA Troop on or after March 1 of their 5th Grade year. No Cub Scout experience is required. Sign them up and get them involved in your Troop now so they are ready for summer camp. (Pro Tip: check with your Pack and get their help in contacting 5th Graders who almost joined last fall but dropped for some reason.) More at