Order of the Arrow Elections

The Order of the Arrow(OA) is Scouting’s National Honor Society recognizing Scouts and adults who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. Scouts BSA Troops, Venturing Crews and Sea Scout Ships with eligible youth members are encouraged to schedule a Unit election.
Units can hold a Unit election once each calendar year between January 1st and March 31st in the current year.
Unit elections are scheduled with and conducted by the chapter in that Unit’s district. Units electing youth for membership may also nominate Unit Scouters for consideration. A Chapter Unit Election Team will conduct the Unit election, prepare and submit the Unit election report to the lodge.
Units wanting to participate in a district call-out ceremony at a camporee or other venue should schedule the Unit election at least two weeks prior to the call-out event. Elected youth and selected adults will be inducted into the OA at a Lodge Induction Weekend. All candidates for membership in the OA must complete an induction weekend within one year of their election date. There are two induction events in May and one in November each year.
2018 Membership Policy Change
The National Order of the Arrow Committee passed a resolution that changes their membership policies to align with changes approved by the Executive Board of the BSA. The new OA membership policy provides for OA elections in all Scouts BSA troops, Venturing Crews and Sea Scout Ships effective February 1st, 2019 and allows election of both male and female members of their units to the Order of the Arrow. The new eligibility requirements and other relevant membership policy information can be found at the top of this page.
For More information and the most up-to-date news; visit the National OA site here.