Lion Rank Advancement

Here’s How to Help Your Scout Advance!

Our Lion rank has exciting indoor and outdoor activities specifically designed for kindergarten age youth and their adult partners. Adult partners (guardians) participate with their Scouts and have fun with them in activities.  Each adult partner also supports and guides, allowing the new Cub Scout to discover risks and rewards under the security of adult supervision. Lion Scouts learn by doing!

To earn the Lion badge, a Scout must complete six required adventures with their den or family, plus two elective adventures from among the 14 electives in the Lion Handbook. The National Resource page for Lion Adventures is here. Each Adventure page there lists the Requirements and shares a selection of “Activity Cards” that could be used to complete each Requirement.

Required Rank Adventures

Bobcat Lion
Character & Leadership

Fun on the Run
Personal Fitness

King of the Jungle

Lion's Pride
Family & Reverence


For more resources, see this AAC District Page for Lion, with tips, videos and links, plus “Assembled” Den Meeting Plans for all Adventures, including Required Adventures Bobcat Lion (Character/Leadership), Mountain Lion (Outdoors), Fun on the Run (Personal Fitness), King of the Jungle (Citizenship), Lion's Roar (Personal Safety) and Lion's Pride (Family Belief + Reverence).  Also the Elective Adventures:  Race Time Lion (Pinewood Derby or Raingutter Regatta), Go Fish (Fishing), On A Roll (Cycling), Time To Swim (Swimming), Let's Camp Lion (Camping), Champions For Nature Lion (Conservation), Ready, Set, Grow (Science), Everyday Tech (Technology), Gizmos And Gadgets (Engineering), Count On Me (Math), Build It Up, Knock It Down (building/knocking down, or Engineering), I’ll Do It Myself (self-reliance, Character), On Your Mark (Fun + Games, box derby race), Pick My Path (good choices, Fun + Games, Character)

Each Adventure page there has videos and links to help learn the Adventure topic plus “Assembled” Den Meeting Plans that take the Requirements and/or National activity ideas that are fun, simple and easy and put them into Den Meeting Plans you can use.  Word versions of those plans are attached below if you would like to edit to fit your Den.

Parents/guardians or the den leader approve each requirement when completed by signing the Scout’s handbook. Scouts can receive an adventure loop on completing each adventure.

Every Lion Handbook is packaged with an adult leader guide to help you.  Click here for information on Cub Scout Uniform options – but check with your Cub Scout Pack to find out what the expectations are (because “A Scout is Thrifty”).

File Name Description
Lion “Assembled” Den Meeting Plans in Word - Required Adventures Download
Lion “Assembled” Den Meeting Plans in Word - Required Adventures Download