How to Lead a Scouting Program

Basic Leader Training
Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection Training (YPT) outlines the policies and practices related to how adults interact with youth as well as how youth are to interact with each other. Youth Protection Training is required for all volunteers and must be taken every two years. If a volunteer’s Youth Protection Training record is expired for more than 30 days, their registration will be expired.
Position-Specific (Role-Based) Courses
These instructor-led or online courses are designed to help leaders learn how to effectively carry out their Scouting roles. To be a “trained” leader in Cub Scouting, required training is YPT and Position Specific courses for your role, like Den Leader or Assistant, Committee Member or Chair, or Cubmaster or Assistant, plus Hazardous Weather (except for Committee Members). To be a “trained” leader in a Scouts BSA Troop, required training is YPT and Position Specific courses for your role, like Scoutmaster or Assistant or Committee Member or Chair, plus Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills ( and Hazardous Weather for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters. Online versions of many courses may be found at

Program Resources
Cub Scout Den and Pack Program Resources
For most Packs and Dens, finding ways to lead the Advancement program in Cub Scouting will be key. The pages and links from our Cub Scout Advancement pages will take you to the requirements for each Rank, resource pages for every Cub Scout Adventure (including both the Den Leader Guide plans plus simpler “streamlined” plans for most “required” adventures and “family led” plans for all), as well as videos and other resources so any parent can lead and succeed. Also: plans for dens with a “mix” of grades/ranks. And Awards beyond the Ranks! See
Want More Fun? Cub Scouting is all about Fun, Family and Friends and finding new things to do and adventures to share. While there are many fun activities in Cub Scout Advancement Adventures, sometimes you and your Cub Scouts just want to do fun things with family and friends, and sometimes parents and leaders don’t want to stress out over advancement requirements and complex meeting agendas. See
Whether Doing Just Fun or Fun Advancement, we also have a quick resource about the structure of Den Meetings (activities) that also includes the rest of the Den Leader Guide information on Parts of a Den Meeting, Crafts, Games and more. See
Scouts BSA Program Resources
Scouts in a Troop want adventure and activity too. You (and your youth leaders) can find many opportunities to make your program special, including at the Council Scouts BSA Troop Activities page, with highlights of special Caving, Climbing and COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) options, plus a portal to many meeting and activity resources like Scout Skills and Games and Team Building and 48 themed modules of Program Features and more. See
Supplemental and Advanced Training
For many leaders, participation in supplemental and advanced training courses significantly enhances their knowledge and ability in either certain skills or in leadership and team development.
University of Scouting
University of Scouting is a single day training offering over 60 courses designed to meet specific needs as well as offering Position Specific Training. Courses are designed for leaders at all levels of all programs and delivered by veteran volunteers. University of Scouting is one of the most beneficial opportunities for your leadership team to receive the training they need to perform their tasks even better.

Basic Outdoor Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
Cub Scout leaders who are interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities are required to have at least one BALOO trained adult on every Cub Scout den or pack overnight outdoor event – including Pack Camping and Webelos Den overnighters.
First Aid/CPR Trainings
Scouting teaches to “Be Prepared”. All Scouting outings require or at least benefit from adults who have first aid and CPR training. The Atlanta Area Council offers three levels of CPR training and two levels of Wilderness First Aid training, all through partnerships with the American Red Cross and SOLO who are both recognized and reputable providers of first aid training.

Safe Swim Defense
Safe Swim Defense is the required training for Adult Leaders participating in or supervising all swimming activities. Adult leaders supervising activities afloat must have completed Safe Swim Defense training within the previous two years. Safe Swim Defense is available online through
Safety Afloat
Safety Afloat is the required training for Adult Leaders participating in or supervising all boating activities. Adult leaders supervising activities afloat must have completed Safety Afloat training within the previous two years. Safety Afloat is available online through
Often called the “Ph.D. of Scout Training,” Wood Badge concentrates on providing training on modern leadership skills needed in today’s world. Wood Badge teaches valuable tools in listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning, leveraging diversity and generational differences and leading change. Wood Badge is often a transformational experience and among the most impactful experiences an adult leader can have.