Camping Safely

Emergency Alarm

  • The alarm is high-low or warbling. If the alarm sounds all should take immediate shelter.
  • A single blast indicates all clear.
  • When you take shelter find durable shelter (dining hall, shower houses, nature lodge, etc.) If this is not possible take shelter in a ditch or low-lying area.

Medical Emergency

In case of a life-threatening medical emergency administer first aid as appropriate for the nature of the injury or illness. Immediately call 911 and notify the camp ranger.

  • Review nearby automated external defibrillators (AED located throughout the camp in the event of a heart attack


Seek shelter during a thunderstorm. The risks associated with thunderstorms are:

  • Lightning
  • Hail
  • Downbursts and straight-line winds
  • Tornadoes

A thunderstorm watch indicates conditions are favorable for a thunderstorm.

A thunderstorm warning indicates a thunderstorm is occurring in the area.


If lightning can be seen OR thunder heard it indicates a thunderstorm is nearby and you should seek shelter.

Wait for 30 minutes with NO lightning or thunder before leaving the shelter.

  • Get out of the water immediately.
  • Seek shelter, but if none is available go to the lowest area possible and away from trees.
  • If in an automobile stay put.


In the event of a tornado get as low to the ground as possible such as a ditch or low-lying area. Stay away from trees or any temporary shelters.

A tornado watch indicates that conditions are favorable for a tornado.

A tornado warning indicates a tornado is occurring in the area.


If a fire is spotted yell FIRE as loud as possible. Have all individuals clear the area and move upwind and far away from the fire. Call 911 and then the Ranger.

Unauthorized Guest

Report any suspicious or out-of-place individuals to your unit leader immediately. Do not approach the individual. Try to note as much as you can about the person’s appearance.

Evacuation Plan

Emergency evacuation escape routes are posted in individual buildings and key areas throughout the camp property. Make yourself familiar with the routes from any area you utilize.

Missing Camper

Collect and keep an accurate headcount and contact the Ranger as soon as it is determined a camper is missing.

Emergency Contact Information

In the event of an emergency, call 911 immediately and follow their directions. Once it is safe to do so, contact the Camp Ranger Team so they may provide immediate response and care:


The BSA’s Commitment to Safety

In Scouting, we will not compromise the safety of our youth, volunteers, and employees. Safety is a value that must be taught and reinforced at every opportunity. We are all responsible and must hold each other accountable to provide a safe environment for all participants. We are committed to abuse prevention by utilizing:

  • Mandatory youth protection training.
  • Criminal background checks.
  • Banning one-on-one adult and youth interactions.
  • Mandatory reporting of suspected abuse to law enforcement.
  • A volunteer screening database.

We are committed to injury and illness prevention by integrating safety measures in our handbooks, literature, and training materials, including the Guide to Safe Scouting. We expect leaders to use the four points of SAFE when delivering the program. SAFE Scouting measures include:

  • Youth are Supervised by qualified and trustworthy adults who set the example for safety.
  • Activities are Assessed for risks.
  • Pre-requisite Fitness and Skill levels are confirmed before participation.
  • Appropriate Equipment is utilized, and Environmental conditions are monitored.

When incidents do occur, we expect a timely, clear, and complete incident report. We are committed to learning from the data and modifying program guidance for the prevention of future occurrences.

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